The preschool day book provides an opportunity for the children and staff to share with our families “what happens during the preschool day”. This is located at the “sign in and out” table at the end of each day and will be forwarded to families through Educa a secure web-based portfolio system.
Each child will have an Educa e-portfolio that documents and captures the child’s learning and time at Kapooka Preschool. Your child's e-portfolio will include observations of your child's play, photographs, artwork, your child’s words and voices, group learning experiences, excursion stories etc. This e-portfolio will be accessible to the children and parents at preschool throughout the year. We welcome your input into your child’s e-portfolio and encourage you to document and share your child's learning and interests from home.
On occasion, developmental checklists are used to gauge your child's developmental strengths and areas that may need support. These checklists and observations assist educators to implement an individualised program for your child and assist as a guide to your child’s readiness for the next stage of their learning continuum - school.