The National Quality Framework (NQF) is the result of an agreement between all Australian governments to work together to provide better educational and developmental outcomes for children using education and care services.
The NQF introduced a new quality standard in 2012 to improve education and care across long day care, family day care, preschool/kindergarten, and outside school hours care services. The NQF includes:
- National Law and Regulations -National Law and National Regulations
- National Quality Standard - NQS
- Assessment and Quality Rating process - Assessment and Rating
- National Quality Frameworks - NQF
The need for a national approach
Quality education and care shapes every child’s future and lays the foundation for development and learning. The early years are critical for establishing self-esteem, resilience, healthy growth and capacity to learn.
Research shows quality education and care early in life leads to better health, education and employment outcomes later in life.
Children need quality care and attention that meets their individual needs. The major benefits for parents and children include:
- Improved educator to child ratios,
- Educators with increased skills and qualifications,
- Better support for children's learning and development through approved learning frameworks,
- Consistent, transparent information on educators, providers and services in the national registers.
These factors are particularly beneficial for very young children and those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
What the NQF means for Australian families
The NQF is designed to give children the best possible start in life. It is a national system designed to provide transparency and accountability.
Educators with increased skills and qualifications
Substantial research shows that higher qualified educators improve outcomes for children. The higher their qualifications, the greater their understanding of child development, health and safety issues. These educators are better equipped to lead activities that inspire children and help them learn and develop.
Improved educator to child ratios
Improving educator to child ratios, allows staff to give more individual care and attention to each child and contributes to better social and learning outcomes for children. Educators are able to develop more effective and meaningful relationships with children, resulting in more engaged, happy and relaxed individuals.
Approved learning frameworks
Under the National Law, services must deliver an educational program to all children being educated and cared for that is:
- based on an approved learning framework
- delivered in accordance with that approved learning framework
- based on the developmental needs, interests and experiences of each child
- designed to take into account the individual differences in each child
The national approved learning framework in operation under the NQF relevant to preschool is Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) V2.0 2022: Online Version
National registers
The national registers contain information about approved education and care service providers: National registers.